Tuesday 24 September 2013

Survey Results

I created a survey to research what my target audience would like to see in a magazine and what they do in their spare time. I created this survey on www.surveymonkey.com then got two sets of groups to complete it, 10 participants from students around college where I printed off the survey and asked them to complete it and then I got 11 participants responses by putting a link on twitter asking people to complete my survey. I chose to complete it this way as students around college are around the age group my target audience is, and my target audience would most likely use social media sites like twitter. I put 10 main questions on my survey both open and closed to get the best possible responses from the survey. I used open and closed questions, collecting both qualitative and quantitative data to help identify how to appeal to the target audience of my chosen genre, pop.

From my twitter sample the results I received were:
2. I found the average age was 15-19
Question 5 has helped me in order to be able to reach my target audience, this lets me know what they use more often, what social media sites everyone has. Also, from these results showing my target audience use a lot of social media sites, I'm going to use this as an aspect in my magazine, having social media links to our sites and having the artist talking about social media, this also means I have more than one way of approaching my target audience. 

From the college student sample the results were: 


2. Everyone that completed the survey was in college therefore aged 16-20

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