Thursday 19 September 2013

Magazine Deconstruction #1

My first deconstruction is of 'Q' Magazine, I have chosen this magazine, although it is not a pop magazine I thought it'd be good for moving my product on to have a look at the differences between music magazine genres. 

First the front cover of the magazine, it has the mode of address of very indirect shown mainly by the main image of the cover, the pose looks very approachable, which can reflect on the casual target audience and the type of artists inside the magazine. The mast head of magazine being 'Q' is in the top left third which is conveniently where we would naturally read a piece of text and is behind the cover line as this magazine is a well established magazine and needs the article to be the main attraction to impulse buyers. Also above the mast head is 'THE WORLD'S GREATEST MUSIC MAGAZINE' used as a persuasive item to buyers.  The essential information on the front cover has the issue number of 327, showing us that this is a successful magazine that has been going for a long time, the price is £3.99 showing the target audience for this magazine would be more mature alongside a slick look to the magazine with the high gloss quality finish it gives the magazine a more mature look, possible a collectors item as it could be kept and not damaged. The font and colour scheme of the front cover shows a basic, simple approach with simple bold font and a mature colour scheme of red, black and grey to appeal to their target audience.  The front cover shows us that the target audience for this magazine would most likely be older and more dedicated to the artists and magazine, possibly most of the audience with a subscription to the magazine.  

The contents page of this magazine has a very similar look to the cover page as it's a very basic layout. The mast head is the same as the front cover, in the top left third showing it's not the most important aspect of the cover page. The necessary information on the page is the date 'October 2013', it's on page 5 and just after a double page of a CHANEL advert. The form of address to this page is also indirect. Text on the page is very basic font, informative text to show the reader whats in the on each page, under each sub heading. The colour scheme of the font is black and red and extremely structured, the sub headings are primary red to stand out in capitals and are in columns and rows to show the organised aspect to the magazine. Images within the contents page are different sizes depending on how important the story/feature is in the magazine. Also, the composition of the page is very cluttered and full of important parts of the magazines, the main image bleeds into the title showing the importance of the main feature, being the kings of leon almost standing on the page gives an approachable look to the page. There also is an equal proportion of text and images showing the organised format. Splashed around the page are used to intrigue the readers to the rest of the magazines and special, new features, also the bright colours of yellow and blue attract the audience as it's a different colour comparing to the colour scheme.

This is an example of a double page spread from this magazine, two columns are used on each page of the double spread, with pull out quotes to intrigue the reader into the rest of the article by pulling out one of the more interesting parts of the article. The layout of this feature is very much text led with the small font even though there's a large image at the top, there's still more text. The images used in this feature are one at the bottom of the sugababes back in 2000, showing the difference, then at the top the three photo, photo set is very such a fact file captions with a splash showing what was going on in the captions. The images are of female celebrities  the sugababes both now in 2013 and back in 2000. The language in this article is basic black text with very small text, the first letter of each paragraph has a bigger first letter that almost looks like it has been drawn with ketchup to go with the theme of the article. 

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