Wednesday 18 September 2013

Inspirational Magazines

First, I googled 'pop music magazines' to get an idea for my layout/style that I'd like to go with for my own magazine. Here are some images I found useful;

Billboard Magazine has inspired me as the front cover has quite a mature looking colour scheme and theme. I also like how the pose is very in the middle third. Also the mode of address for this magazine is very direct as the model is looking directly out at the audience. 

I have chose this magazine mainly because of the quite busy features and how the main sell lines are set out However, I don't like the colour scheme of this magazine as it makes it look immature, and not for my target audience.

Even though Vogue is not a music magazine  I like the theme of this magazine, as the colour scheme is slightly mature, with the white background and the headings standing out. 


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