Thursday 19 September 2013

Magazine Construction #3

In this magazine it is clear who the target audience is just be a quick glance at the front cover, with the girly pink theme and the fashion ideas, it is clear that the target audience for this magazine is girls probably from the age 13 to about 17. The mast head on this cover is behind the images, showing it's a well established magazine however it has a distinguishing logo, that can we noticed well.  The mode of address for this magazine is indirect as the text isn't speaking directly to the audience and the poses aren't taken purposely for this magazine. For each celebrity in the main image there is a pull quote from their article showing good parts of the feature to intrigue the audience to read more into the article and buy it. There are a lot of celebrities included on the front cover shown by the main image, sub images and the 'also starring' part is mainly for impulse buyers, if they're browsing through magazines and there favorite celebrity is on it they're more likely to buy the magazine. This cover page is very cluttered and has a lot going on it, the essential information on the magazine being £3.99, showing the audience can possibly be a bit older, or have parents buy the magazine as this usual audience would probably be in education/unemployed. The website is also given in bright pink text under the bar code showing that this audience would be able to use the internet, often because of the magazine industry going down, the websites are given on the cover to show two ways of accessing the magazine, the date and issue number is also given. 

Mast head: The masthead of this particular magazine isn't the same as an ordinary magazine. The logo of the magazine is used as the mast head on the front cover and here it only features as a small image in the top right hand corner. This means we can quickly see and identify it as we tend to read from left to right. The style of the masthead is in a speech bubble as if it gives the audience a voice that reflects their thoughts toward the magazine or the music genre, ‘we <3 pop’. The colour of the mast head is the typical colours of the logo, this stands out on the pop because of the contrasting colours and also because of the style. The date and issue number are not featured on the contents page of this magazine, this necessary information is featured on the front of the magazine instead. The page number is large and is situated in the bottom right hand corner.  On the context page their includes a letter from the editor giving a direct mode of address to the reader.  This gives the reader an insight into what will be in the issue of the magazine and also possibly an insight into what may be in upcoming issues. There is also  straplines and quotes that anchor all of the other images to the page. There are 15 images features on the contents page of this magazine. Aside From the main, larger  images  of artist Olly Murs they are all roughly the same size. The images show what article the reader can expect to find within the magazine. The images featured along the bottom of the page are of the free posters found in the magazine and this would interest the reader to buy the magazine as they will get the free posters inside. Most of the images are answered by a quote from the artist themselves. The layout of the magazine is quite formal considering the age range the magazine is targeted at. Unlike the front cover the contents page is set out neatly and is the opposite of crowded. The page seems to be both image and text led with a fairly equal amount of both featuring on the page.  The text relates to the images directly as the images are anchored by quotes picked out wither directly from the artists or from the articles featuring the artists.   There are 3 main colours used on the text on the contents page and these correspond to the colour scheme of the page around the outside. The images are all well-lit and help to set the light, fun tone of the magazine. The colour scheme is quite cold as this particular issue of the magazine is a winter/Christmas issue.

This  is one of my favourite layouts I have seen so far for a double page spread in a pop music magazine,This is an image of a double page spread from the magazine We Love Pop that I will be analysing. There are three columns of writing that make up this article for the double page spread though the article continues on an over leafing page.  There are two images on this double page, the main image is featured on the right hand side and takes up a whole page of the magazine There is another smaller picture of the artist on the left page.  The main headline for the article is a quote taken from the artist and made into a title, this gives the reader a brief overall idea of what will be featured within the article.   The large image on the right hand side of the article stands on its own with no text as it has the potential to be cut out from the magazine and be made into a poster. The smaller image on the left hand side of the article is showing the artist on the red carpet, this proves the artists credibility to the readers and also juxtaposes the main headline as red carpet events are seen as glamorous where people would be presenting themselves on their best behaviour. The font used in the article is of a standard size and is nothing out of the ordinary, it is black to make it stand out from the white background of the page. The interviewers questions are written in pink text to make them stand out and to make it easier for the reader to see which bit of the article is a questions, and what is a response to the questions given by the artist. There are also particular bits of the article that are highlighted in yellow. These are things that have been said by the artist and the magazine has deemed them important and has highlighted them, this attracts the readers eye and if the reader quickly skimmed the article the highlighted text would give them a brief overview of what is featured in the article.

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