Sunday 22 September 2013

Proposal Form

Type of Magazine (fashion, music, etc)

Name of Magazine

MBS (Music, Bands and Singers)
Audience (male/female)

Appeals to both genders but will probably have a majority of female readers
Audience (attitudes and interests)

My target audience would probably keep up to date with the recent charts, enjoy watching and attending award shows and probably use social media sites like Twitter and Instagram often.
Outlet (where it can be bought from?)

My magazine can be bought in newsagents, super markets, cd shops and the concerts where my target audience would attend.
Necessary Information

The price of my magazine would be around £1.99-£2.99, I will have a website shown in the magazine to show where the magazine can be accessed elsewhere other than just the hard copy of the magazine.
Selling Point

This magazine will be the only one like it at this price, and will also include exclusives and interviews that will appeal to my target audience. 
Theme (article)

The theme of my article will be an interview type article with a simple layout, on one side a large image with a quote from the article across it, with a fact file of the artist, then the article on the other side, with pull quotes and a simple colour scheme.
Images Front Cover

It will only have one main image on the front cover and not be too cluttered, to give it a mature look to it.
Images Inside

I will use another smaller image on the contents page then I will use a large image on my double page spread.

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