Sunday 22 September 2013

Initial Proposal Form

Describe your idea for the brief:

My idea is a music magazine mainly for pop and chart music, a double page spread of probably an interview type article, a simple but mature contents page and a front cover.
Genre/ sub genre: list similar texts which have inspired your thoughts
The types of magazines that has inspired my for my magazine are magazines like Billboard as I like the layout of their front covers mainly,
Target audience: gender/ age/ characteristics/ behaviour
My target audience will be around the ages of 15-25, teens to young adults most likely to be British and in some sort of education, like doing their GCSE’s or in college. The magazine will appeal to both genders but I can imagine the majority of readers to be female.
Major conventions I will use
On my front cover, I will use a masthead in the top left third, as this is naturally where we read a piece of text first,
Conventions I may subvert/ change/ not use
I'm not going to make my magazine over cluttered because I don’t want my magazine to look immature as that’s not really the target audience I am trying to attract.
Original images: what/ where/ what
There will be only one main image on my front cover of an artist, hopefully my original images will look bright and
Potential difficulties/ Plan B:
Possible problems are things like finding the right images for my target audience having to make changes to my theme. Also not

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