Saturday 21 December 2013


For the last week, at college it's a booster week where we have time to look at our peer feedback, make changes to our front cover, contents page and double page spread and also complete any research and planning that needs to be finished

Thursday 19 December 2013


After looking back at my magazine I realised my article columns weren't in line, I have moved the article column up so both columns are in line making them look more professional.

Also, the reason my fact file does have gap in between them as if it was together, it would look too together and squashed, as shown below.

Wednesday 18 December 2013

Double Page Spread Feedback

Again, our class collected Peer Feedback on our double page spread

- Looks very professional
- Font and colours match magazines theme
- Matches genre really well
- Great fonts
- Brand identity well maintained
- Fact File was a great idea

- Maybe have a background? Not having one makes it look unfinished
- Possibly add a secondary images but it's not necessary
- Bar code could be moved
- Could make the 'Kate Marrs' bigger
- Less white

Double Page Spread

This is my completed Double Page Spread,

Tuesday 10 December 2013

Contents Page Feedback

We've collected peer feedback in the class again where we put our work on the screens and ask for feedback both positive and negative on the work. This will help us in our work as it'll help us make improvements to it.

- Sticks to brand identity well
- I like the idea of the concert image
- The layout looks great, very professional

- Image of the editor could be included
- Page numbers look a little lost, you could change the colours
- The border should be changes from purple to pink

Sunday 8 December 2013

Rationale - Contents Page

Main Image 
My main image is not going to be too big, the same size as the secondary image, it's going to be of my model playing the guitar with a page number on it

Secondary Images
I'm going to have  one secondary image, a concert image that I took of One Direction, this links well with my puff and has a page number of the page which my audience can win tickets.

My background is going to be white, simple and similar to the front cover and dps, to create a brand identity. Also to keep the contents page simple and not too look to over crowded apart from the features.

I'm going to use a font I have downloaded called 'cheri' this is a very girly font and fits very well with my target audience, being mainly girls. This is also the same font used on the masthead and the front cover sell lines to show the similarity in the brand identity.

-Along the bottom I'm going to have a section dedicated to social media, giving our audience other ways of seeing bits about the magazine and getting special offers/ways of contacting us through social media with links to Facebook, Twitter and Instagram (the most used social media by teenagers as I found in my target audience research)
-I'm also going to include a letter from the editor in between the images to make it more of a personal magazine, this is also something other magazine in the pop industry does to connect to their readers on a more indepth level
-I'm going to have four sections to my block of 'contents' information to split it up and look more professional and to split the information up to attract the readers eye, these will be exclusive, features, gossip and plus, this is also something other magazines do.

Monday 2 December 2013

December Time Management

I have created another schedule for this month in order to keep on top of my work and make sure I get things done by a certain time, often giving me enough time to make adjustments also.

Friday 22 November 2013

Double Page Spread Flat Plan

Front Cover Feedback

We put our front covers on our screens in class and asked for peer feed back, to get an idea of what I could improve and whats good points.

- Creative Masthead
- Great Layout
- Very Girly Layout
- Colour Scheme Works Well
- Interesting girly font

- Add a tag line
- Drop the lines between the articles
- 'New Artist' should be changed to her name
- Reduce size of banner
- Sub head

Friday 15 November 2013

Rationale - Front Cover

For my front cover I am only going to use a main image and not any secondary images because i don't want to overcrowd the page as it looks more mature for a older teenager if i keep it rather 'simple'. The main image is going to be a medium shot and going to be placed on the right hand side of the magazine. Its going to be a direct image as my model will be facing the camera, giving a direct mode of address to our readers, communicating with individual readers and giving off a friendly approach to the magazine. The lighting for my image will be high-key and facial expression will be 'super smiler' or 'chocolate box'.

Colour Scheme
My colour scheme throughout my magazine there will be mainly pink and white, I chose these colours as it suits my target audience (teenage females, who enjoy pop music), and also it can be easily recognized as a pop magazine from the cover.

My background of my front cover will be white, this is to make the cover look not too over crowded but make my main image and sell lines stand out. Also this type of plain background has been used successfully in other magazine covers, especially in the pop genre.

For my puff i am going to have a chance to win One Direction tickets, I used that band because they're a popular pop boy band that are huge in the music industry and known worldwide meaning my target audience are likely to listen to them. They are also recent in the media, meaning people will want to hear about them.

I have chose this masthead in the font 'cheri', in my opinion it is very well fitting to the pop genre with the girly font, with the hearts and the colour. 

Thursday 14 November 2013

Draft Article

Draft magazine article - This is my draft article for my double page spread, I will most likely make amendments on this but this is just to get an idea on it.

MBS Magazine have had the fantastic opportunity to interview YouTube sensation, Kate Marrs on her new music video shoot for the hit single ‘who knows’!

Hiya Kate! Thanks for giving up some of your time to talk to us today, for our readers could you tell us a little about yourself?
It’s really my pleasure! Well, I’m “    “, 17 years young and just a girl with a passion for singing really! I started my YouTube channel around 2 years ago and I

Your first steps came from posting covers on YouTube from famous songs. Did you ever expect it to come up with millions of views on its way?
Not at all! If you see the quality of the covers I uploaded, I really had no idea it was going to get as many views as it did... I just hoped for the best really and got a lot more.

We get a sense of inspiration from the types of covers you done, which singers and bands would you say inspire you the most?
My main influences are kind of Demi Lavato, Taylor Swift, Little Mix, YouTube artists like Boyce Avenue and others, but I do all kinds of covers and make them my own really.

What’s the transition like going from just covering songs for YouTube in your bedroom, to getting noticed worldwide and releasing a new single and it being in the top charts like?
It’s been unbelievable so far, I still can’t believe it’s happening! I’ve been incredibly lucky and

What advice would you give to any of our readers that are thinking of starting a channel on YouTube?
The best thing you can do is not care what other people think, don’t take notice of any haters on the internet and focus on what you want to do, do what makes you happy!

How long did it take you to become a “famous” YouTuber?
I’m for sure not famous, there are a lot of more popular YouTubers out there, I just got a good opportunity when my record deal found my videos, but it took just over two years to get where my channel is right now

What’s the best thing about being a “Popular YouTuber”?
I’ll let you know when I am! But the increasing views means I get to connect with people around the world, and it’s nice for my work to get seen.

Thanks a lot for answering our questions and we wish you the best for the future. Just to finish with what would you like to say to your fans?
My pleasure! Thank you so much for having us today! I’d just like to thank everyone who supports me, it really means the world!

((A fact file on the side))
Real Name: Kate Marrs
Age: 17
Birthday: August 10th
Fanmail Address:
Favourite Books: Harry Potter or the perks of being a wallflower!
Favourite food: Mcdonalds or Nandos
Single/Taken: It’s a mystery!

Wednesday 13 November 2013

Additional Inspirational Music and Artists

I would defiantly feature a band like One Direction in my pop themed music magazine because they are globally famous so everyone will know who they are and more people will be interested in reading the magazine, they are also recent artists who are very popular in my magazines genre pop. Also One direction are very appealing to young women, which are my target audience. I also have concert photos to go on my contents page of my magazine of One Direction from their tour. 

Tuesday 12 November 2013

Font/Colour Sampling

These are some sample fonts I have been looking at for the article of my magazine and contents page writing, I like these types of fonts as they are not serious, plain font, it has more to it. I also like this font that I'm using (Georgia).

The colour scheme I'm going to use throughout my magazine are bright girly colours of light blue and pink with white.

Sunday 10 November 2013

Wednesday 6 November 2013

Original Images (Concerts)

These are some photos I and my friends have taken at concerts that I am possibly going to use in my contents page, to ensure it's not all based around the same model/article. 

Tuesday 5 November 2013

Further Target Audience Research

To do some extra target audience research I messaged my friend to ask her some questions now that the time has come to create my magazine I'd like to know some more opinions on people my age and from the same area.

Monday 4 November 2013

Original Images

These are my favorite shots from the shoot, taken from the photographers website which is my the trade mark is still on the photos, he is going to email me the shots in good quality when I chose the ones I will be definitely using for the final product. 

Front Cover:

Contents Page/ Double Page Spread:

Sunday 3 November 2013

Pitch - Peer Feedback

To get feedback from our pitch we had a focus group of our class take a look at our pitches and say something positive and something that needs to be improved about our ideas, this was what was said about my pitch:


  • Good detail in pitch
  • Good colour scheme, very girly
  • Nice abbreviation of MBS!
  • Good ideas on the shoot
  • Everything relates well to your genre
  • Photoshoot well planned out
  • Use more colours in colour scheme, maybe add baby blue
  • Details about the layout of magazine
  • Haven't explained the price (essential information)
  • Think about secondary audience
  • Explain masthead

This feedback can help me in the production of my magazine as it says what needs to stay the same in my plans and what I can improve and what to change about my ideas.

Friday 1 November 2013

Models Make Up

For my models make up I wanted to go for a very bright and girly look with someone with big features and a 

These were the two lipsticks we decided to put together for the shoot, as it looks quite natural, but still gives the 

Semiotics Reading

Semiotics is the study of signs and sign processes, indication, designation, likeness, analogy, metaphor, symbolism, signification, and communication. 
Semiotics is closely related to the field of linguistics, which, for its part, studies the structure and meaning of language more specifically. 
However, as different from linguistics, semiotics also studies non-linguistic sign systems. Semiotics is often divided into three branches:
  • Semantics: Relation between signs and the things to which they refer; their denotata, or meaning
  • Syntactics: Relations among signs in formal structures
  • Pragmatics: Relation between signs and sign-using agents

For example if you see red you automatically think danger and stop. If you see green then you think go and nature. These have been taught to us through living our normal everyday lives. However its not just colours that can be used. Pictures, words, colours and sounds can normally be used. This will help a lot when it comes to creating my own magazine.

This has helped as i can now understa
nd what people may think when they look at an image or words. I can use this in my own magazine to attract the target audience.

November Time Management

These are the main parts of my work I am hoping to get done and by a certain time this month, these are like my own deadlines I'm hoping to achieve in order to get the work done by the actual time and with all the content.

Wednesday 23 October 2013

The Recce

1.    Are there any potential hazards that could pose a health and safety risk where your photo shoot will take place (trailing cables/traffic/other objects )?
My photo shoot is taking place in my house, with the photographers mobile studio, a potential risk that this could cause is because it's not a professional studio with not loads of room the trailing cables could potentially become a problem, as there will be a lot in limited space. Also getting the model and photographer to my house could become a problem, as the time the shoot is at 5, which is a busy period for traffic.
2.    What will you do to ensure these risks are minimized?
I'll ensure these risks are minimized by making sure the area is tidy and make sure I have the model arrive before the photographer so there's no waiting around, and make sure all family members that live in the house know not to interrupt and to keep the area tidy as there's a shoot in the living room.
3.    Will the time of day/weather affect the outcome of the photos? Have you allowed for this?
This wont affect my photos as it's an indoor shoot.
4.    Have you considered the background to your photos, particularly if taken outside? How will you ensure you will get the background you want?
The background to my photos is going to be white, like many pop magazine photo shoots are very colourful, to get the background I want I have briefed the photographer as to how I would like it
5.    Do you need permission to take photos in the place/venue you have in mind?
I have asked permission to use a my living room for the shoot from my parents, which is also free to use.
6.    Do you need to book time in a room (eg the photography studio at Shiney)?
No, but I had to book the photographer and ask him via Facebook where and when would be best for him. 
7.    Are other people/crowds likely to be an issue for you? What have you done to ensure that it will not spoil the effect?
This could be an issue as the shoot is taking place in my house, and members of my family could walk in and ruin it. To ensure this doesn't happen I have prewarned them when the shoot is and not to interrupt during the shoot. 
8.    Are you reliant on lifts/props/friends’ equipment/models? How have you planned that these things will come together at the appointed time? Plan B?
The things I need to come together is the photographer and my model I have told them both the same things about the shoot, and the model is coming half an hour earlier to ensure she's there for the photographer getting there.

Prop Ideas

These are a selection of props I could use on my shoot, I'm more likely to use either bubbles, confetti or an acoustic guitar, as they fit more with my music genre of pop. After doing this research on props I have decided that I may use acoustic guitar for my double page spread, however I'm not going to use props on my contents page or front cover as I don't want to take the attraction off the main feature.

Model Selection and Confirmation

These are a selection of my friends who I could use as models, I feel Caitlin (top right) would suit this well, as she fits the age range and her eyes along with Jess' (bottom left) attract the audience being very direct. I don't think I'd use Lucy (Bottom Right) or Grace (Top Middle) as I think they look older, and not necessarily in the age range.

I have chosen Caitlin to be my model for the magazine as I think she would be most comfortable with the situation and would be available at the time of the shoot. My model Caitlin has just confirmed she's attending the shoot tomorrow. 

Photo shoot Planning


What emotional impact do you want your photography do have upon the reader? How?       I want the photography to have a positive impact on the reader, portraying a happy environment and surrounding of the photo, I'll so this by using bright colours and a smile. 

What personnel do you need? Who are you going to photograph?

What props will you need?
I don't think I'll need any props in my shoot, however I may possibly use a guitar for a photo in my double page spread.

How are you going to emphasise colour?
 The colour will be emphasised by the white backdrop, 

Have you briefed your personnel/models?
 Yes, I have briefed both via Facebook

What lighting will you need? Any other equipment?
 I'm hoping to make the photograph quite bright so it fits with the 

Where will you shoot? Will you need a backdrop?
 The photographer has a mobile studio, he has said he will bring it to my house on Thursday 24th October, and has a white backdrop. 

Make-up? Costume?
I have asked my model to bring a selection of make up, so we can do a brighter look with bright lipstick and summery colours and a darker look for winter. I have also asked her to bright a selection of outfits both winter and summer.