Friday 15 November 2013

Rationale - Front Cover

For my front cover I am only going to use a main image and not any secondary images because i don't want to overcrowd the page as it looks more mature for a older teenager if i keep it rather 'simple'. The main image is going to be a medium shot and going to be placed on the right hand side of the magazine. Its going to be a direct image as my model will be facing the camera, giving a direct mode of address to our readers, communicating with individual readers and giving off a friendly approach to the magazine. The lighting for my image will be high-key and facial expression will be 'super smiler' or 'chocolate box'.

Colour Scheme
My colour scheme throughout my magazine there will be mainly pink and white, I chose these colours as it suits my target audience (teenage females, who enjoy pop music), and also it can be easily recognized as a pop magazine from the cover.

My background of my front cover will be white, this is to make the cover look not too over crowded but make my main image and sell lines stand out. Also this type of plain background has been used successfully in other magazine covers, especially in the pop genre.

For my puff i am going to have a chance to win One Direction tickets, I used that band because they're a popular pop boy band that are huge in the music industry and known worldwide meaning my target audience are likely to listen to them. They are also recent in the media, meaning people will want to hear about them.

I have chose this masthead in the font 'cheri', in my opinion it is very well fitting to the pop genre with the girly font, with the hearts and the colour. 

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