Wednesday 23 October 2013

Photo shoot Planning


What emotional impact do you want your photography do have upon the reader? How?       I want the photography to have a positive impact on the reader, portraying a happy environment and surrounding of the photo, I'll so this by using bright colours and a smile. 

What personnel do you need? Who are you going to photograph?

What props will you need?
I don't think I'll need any props in my shoot, however I may possibly use a guitar for a photo in my double page spread.

How are you going to emphasise colour?
 The colour will be emphasised by the white backdrop, 

Have you briefed your personnel/models?
 Yes, I have briefed both via Facebook

What lighting will you need? Any other equipment?
 I'm hoping to make the photograph quite bright so it fits with the 

Where will you shoot? Will you need a backdrop?
 The photographer has a mobile studio, he has said he will bring it to my house on Thursday 24th October, and has a white backdrop. 

Make-up? Costume?
I have asked my model to bring a selection of make up, so we can do a brighter look with bright lipstick and summery colours and a darker look for winter. I have also asked her to bright a selection of outfits both winter and summer.

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