Wednesday 23 October 2013

The Recce

1.    Are there any potential hazards that could pose a health and safety risk where your photo shoot will take place (trailing cables/traffic/other objects )?
My photo shoot is taking place in my house, with the photographers mobile studio, a potential risk that this could cause is because it's not a professional studio with not loads of room the trailing cables could potentially become a problem, as there will be a lot in limited space. Also getting the model and photographer to my house could become a problem, as the time the shoot is at 5, which is a busy period for traffic.
2.    What will you do to ensure these risks are minimized?
I'll ensure these risks are minimized by making sure the area is tidy and make sure I have the model arrive before the photographer so there's no waiting around, and make sure all family members that live in the house know not to interrupt and to keep the area tidy as there's a shoot in the living room.
3.    Will the time of day/weather affect the outcome of the photos? Have you allowed for this?
This wont affect my photos as it's an indoor shoot.
4.    Have you considered the background to your photos, particularly if taken outside? How will you ensure you will get the background you want?
The background to my photos is going to be white, like many pop magazine photo shoots are very colourful, to get the background I want I have briefed the photographer as to how I would like it
5.    Do you need permission to take photos in the place/venue you have in mind?
I have asked permission to use a my living room for the shoot from my parents, which is also free to use.
6.    Do you need to book time in a room (eg the photography studio at Shiney)?
No, but I had to book the photographer and ask him via Facebook where and when would be best for him. 
7.    Are other people/crowds likely to be an issue for you? What have you done to ensure that it will not spoil the effect?
This could be an issue as the shoot is taking place in my house, and members of my family could walk in and ruin it. To ensure this doesn't happen I have prewarned them when the shoot is and not to interrupt during the shoot. 
8.    Are you reliant on lifts/props/friends’ equipment/models? How have you planned that these things will come together at the appointed time? Plan B?
The things I need to come together is the photographer and my model I have told them both the same things about the shoot, and the model is coming half an hour earlier to ensure she's there for the photographer getting there.

Prop Ideas

These are a selection of props I could use on my shoot, I'm more likely to use either bubbles, confetti or an acoustic guitar, as they fit more with my music genre of pop. After doing this research on props I have decided that I may use acoustic guitar for my double page spread, however I'm not going to use props on my contents page or front cover as I don't want to take the attraction off the main feature.

Model Selection and Confirmation

These are a selection of my friends who I could use as models, I feel Caitlin (top right) would suit this well, as she fits the age range and her eyes along with Jess' (bottom left) attract the audience being very direct. I don't think I'd use Lucy (Bottom Right) or Grace (Top Middle) as I think they look older, and not necessarily in the age range.

I have chosen Caitlin to be my model for the magazine as I think she would be most comfortable with the situation and would be available at the time of the shoot. My model Caitlin has just confirmed she's attending the shoot tomorrow. 

Photo shoot Planning


What emotional impact do you want your photography do have upon the reader? How?       I want the photography to have a positive impact on the reader, portraying a happy environment and surrounding of the photo, I'll so this by using bright colours and a smile. 

What personnel do you need? Who are you going to photograph?

What props will you need?
I don't think I'll need any props in my shoot, however I may possibly use a guitar for a photo in my double page spread.

How are you going to emphasise colour?
 The colour will be emphasised by the white backdrop, 

Have you briefed your personnel/models?
 Yes, I have briefed both via Facebook

What lighting will you need? Any other equipment?
 I'm hoping to make the photograph quite bright so it fits with the 

Where will you shoot? Will you need a backdrop?
 The photographer has a mobile studio, he has said he will bring it to my house on Thursday 24th October, and has a white backdrop. 

Make-up? Costume?
I have asked my model to bring a selection of make up, so we can do a brighter look with bright lipstick and summery colours and a darker look for winter. I have also asked her to bright a selection of outfits both winter and summer.

Tuesday 22 October 2013

Front Cover Main Image Background

For the front cover of my pop music magazine I'm going to have a white background, I liked the idea of it in my mock magazine and how it looked. I also like it in these magazines, as it goes well with the music genre and makes the features of the magazine stand out. 

Organizing the shoot

I have contacted the photographer again via Facebook to organize the shoot, when and where it will be. 

Monday 21 October 2013

Lighting Styles

Lighting Styles

I have created an animoto on Lighting Styles Research, I am most likely to have Mid-Key Lighting in my music magazine, as it goes best with the genre and is easy on the eye when impulse buyers are looking for a magazine to buy.

Friday 18 October 2013

David Morely and Stuart Hall Audiences Research

David Morley is a sociologist who studies the sociology of the television audience. Known for being a key researcher in conducting The Nationwide Project in the late 1970s, Morley took this popular news program that aired daily on BBC. It reported on national news from London and the major events of the day, and was broadcast throughout the UK. He applied Hall's reception theory to study the encoding/decoding model of this news program. This study focused on the ways this program addressed the audience member and the ideological themes it presented. Morley then took it a step further and conducted a qualitative research that included individuals with varying social backgrounds. This was where Hall's research came into play. He wanted to see how they would react to certain clips of the program based on Hall's three decoding methods: dominant/hegemonic, negotiated, or oppositional.

Reception Theory (Stuart Hall, 1980)

Reception Theory states that media texts are encoded by the producer - they are loaded with values and messages. However the text is then decoded by spectators. However, different spectators will decode the text in different ways, perhaps not in the way the producer intended. 

According to Stuart Hall, audience members adopt one of the following three positions when they decode text: 

  • Dominant or Preferred Reading - how the producer wants the audience to view the media text  
  • Oppositional Reading - when the audience rejects the preffered reading, and creates their own meaning for the text
  • Negotiated Reading - a compromise between the dominant and oppositional readings, where the audience accepts parts of the producers views, but has their own views on parts.

This research on Stuart Hall's Reception Theory will help me understand how my audience's individual readings may vary, so I will have to ensure that I clearly express the beliefs and attitudes of my audience in my magazine through the forms and conventions of a pop genre.

Further Target Audience Research

I have asked people questions as I have seen them, told them it was for target audience research for my magazine and these were the answers. 

Name : Abby Revell 

Age: 16

Hobbies: Going out with friends, Social Networking

Favourite Music: Pop/Indie/Chart

Favourite Artists: Bands,

Name: Caitlin Marr

Age: 15

Hobbies: Going to concerts, out with friends

Favourite Music: Pop and R&B

Favourite Artists: One Direction, Nicki Minaj, The Vamps

Name: Lucy Hope

Age: 16

Hobbies: Reading, Writing, Listening to music and going to concerts

Favourite Artists: Lawson, One Direction, The Vamps

Favourite Music: Pop, Chart

Name: Emma Bailey

Age: 16

Hobbies: Acting, Singing, Dancing and going to Concerts

Favourite Music: Indie, Pop

Favourite Artists: Miley Cyrus and Bastille

Wednesday 16 October 2013

Signs & Cultural Differences

I need to take in consideration when creating my magazine and choosing colour schemes and things, the differences in opinions in culture.

For example, In Britain we associate the colour white with innocence, purity and weddings,where as In China white is the colour of mourning and worn at funerals, two completely different associations with the colour.

Also, the 'okay' hand sign means different things in different countries.

'Ok' in USA and UK
'Money' in Japan
'Sex' in Mexico
'Homosexual' in Ethiopia
'Swearing' in Brazil
'Zero' in Southern France

Clearly completely different things in different cultures. 

Thursday 10 October 2013

Photo shoot Planning

For the photos for my magazine, I have planned with a photographer via Facebook if he could take some photos for the magazine.

Wednesday 9 October 2013

Location Scouting

Double Page Spread Mood board

I have also created a mood board of different double page spread layouts that I like, I like the layout of all of these which are very bright, with one main image and a simple colour scheme of two or three colours that look visually good together. 

Contents Page Images Moodboard

I have also created a mood board for the different contents pages, I like the layout of all of these, I like the types with a two colour scheme, and ones with few pictures maybe two or three to make it less crammed but still have information on the rest of the mag. I also like the idea of having a section showing recent concerts and top charts.

Front Cover Images Moodboard

I have created a front cover page mood board to research what type of pose and styles I would like to use on my front cover, and if I would like any secondary images on my front cover. These are the styles of photos I like on a front cover, I don't think I want a secondary image on my front cover, as I'd like a simple layout with a mature colour scheme. My favourite images on this mood board is the Teen Vogue, Demi Lavato image as I like the natural look to the image. Also, I like the friendly approach to the Miley Cyrus Cover, and the fun look to the Cher Lloyd 'We <3 Pop' Cover.

Experimental Shots/Poses

In Media our task was to experiment with different shots, angles and poses using the cameras we explored the campus in order to be able to create this images.

Mid Shot

Low Angle

High Angle

I took all of these photos to help me with making my decisions of which angles i would like to use for my main image and secondary images on all my front cover, contents and double page spread. They gave my an idea of which angle would best suit my magazine. 

Monday 7 October 2013

Reader Profile

This is a Reader Profile that I have made for my own magazine. this shows I understand my target audience and know who I am designing my magazine for, it helps me to choose which articles to put in my magazine and with the design and what my target audience would like to see. This can back up ideas I have of freebies to shops and restaurants, and has given me a better idea of the social networking they use, possibly making me want to involve it into my magazine. From these results I have decided to but an element of social media in my magazine, with links and competitions/freebies with winning things like vouchers off places my audience like to go like Nandos, Starbucks and I now know what type of artists to include in my magazine from this, showing what my readers want to read about.

Categorising Facial Expressions -Marjorie Ferguson

These are the different

Saturday 5 October 2013

Preliminary Task Front Cover and Contents Page

This is my Preliminary Task Front cover that was created on Photoshop with Rebecca and Abby.

We collected some feedback from our media class, giving both positive and negative things about our front cover. Overall people liked the main image and how it's very direct to the reader and how it's set inside the college building, also how the font looks very handwritten typography with bold colours. The things we were told to improve was making things more  noticeable like the font colours and how we missed some of the essential information like the  price.

Wednesday 2 October 2013

Preliminary Task Front Cover Photos

These were my top four favorite compositions of the photos we took around college.

This was my favorite pose and photo from the shoot as it worked well as a medium-close up shot, I used this photo because it has a natural effect of the college and also has a good amount of space around Rebecca to put the masthead, cover line, puff, main cover line and even a secondary image if I wanted one 

This photo was took in the library and took to make it look like she was working, showing it's a college magazine, howeveI didn't use this image because I felt it is at a strange angle therefor the masthead won't fit on at the top on the top of the front cover where I want it to be, it also has too much space around Rebecca.  

I didn't use this image because it was too far away and i wanted a more close up Photo of Rebecca to use for my front cover. 

I like how natural this photo looks, as I asked the models to talk about something that would make them laugh and took a few photos in this location, the wind catching their hair makes it look more natural, and the college in the background shows it's a college magazine, however i only wanted Rebecca as she was the person my article was about therefore I didn't use this image on the front cover of my college magazine. 

Tuesday 1 October 2013

October Time Management

This is a number of things that I need to get done in my course this month, I have created this calender in order to keep me on track and to set my own deadlines in order to get things done.