Tuesday 7 January 2014

What I have learnt about technology throughout the process of constructing this product

Throughout the process of constructing this product, I have used a number of programmes and material that I haven't necessarily used before, however now feel a lot more confident with all these programmes. 

In addition to this I created a blog account using “Blogger” to post all of my research and planning activities as well as my final magazine and evaluation, I hadn't used blogger before so it was a new programme for me using and have enjoyed using this to present my work instead of a hard copy of it. 

 To edit my photos and create my magazine, I used Adobe Photoshop CS5.1, this was also my first time using Photoshop and feel like I have learnt a lot about this programme in particular and will be using it again in the future.
To create all my work, I have used a mac computer in college, also being my first time using one of these, I feel like I have got used to them pretty quickly, also at home I used my own laptop to complete some research and planning where extra work was needed to be done at home.

Also, to create my final pitch on my ideas for my magazine, I used prezi, this was to make a presentation type of pitch to collect all my ideas, this was also the first time using this and found it good and easy to use, and will use it again.

Although I didn't use my own camera to collect the original images for my magazine, I used a canon camera in college to collect the images for my preliminary task and to experiment with poses, this was the first time for my using a canon digital camera and also found it good to use.

Also, to create mood boards to help and collect my ideas I used 'www.fotor.com', and found this website at the beginning when looking for something to create a mood board and found this really good to use with quite simple features.

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