Thursday 2 January 2014

Looking back at my Preliminary Task, what have I learnt and improved?

Since creating my college magazine my knowledge of using Photoshop has increased considerably, just by getting more comfortable with the software and finding new ways of editing and creating features on it. I feel like this shows in my work. Since the preliminary task I have learnt I learnt about male gaze and facial expressions by Marjorie Ferguson and Trevor Millun. As well as these I also learnt more on signs symbols and cultural differences, how simply a colour can have a deep meaning of something else for example the colour red resembles danger, this helped me choose an appropriate colour scheme for my magazine.

Firstly, on my front cover I feel like I've improved on for example, the main image the pose and quality of image has improved, which I feel looks more professional compared to the preliminary task where it was just taken my a phone camera.

On my contents page, I feel like my magazine looks better than my preliminary task in numerous ways, for example, having a contact us section at the bottom, I inserted this as I had looked at my inspirational magazines and this was definitely a popular feature of a contents page, especially in a pop magazine. Also, I have inserted a letter from the editor which was also an idea I thought of once looking at inspiration as it connects the audience with the editor more, and gives a 'friendly' impression to the magazine

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